Malagasy parish

Sunday service:
 1st and 3rd : 10h30, Saint-André, Rose-Hill
 2nd, 4th and 5th : 11h15, Saint-Jean, Port-Louis
Current pastor : Jean Ernest Koera
Address : Corner Farquhar & Royal Road, Coignet, Rose-Hill
Contact : +230 464 52 65

Evangelisation concert

Published on 10 August 2024

The Malagasy parish in collaboration with the VDFI accompanied by the CMJ group, is organizing an evangelisation concert on Sunday 18 August 2024 at 2pm at St Jean, Port-Louis. Entry is free, with (…)

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Evangelical concert

Published on 8 June 2024

The Malagasy parish informs the community of the cancellation of the evangelisation concert scheduled for Sunday 9 June at 2pm at St Jean, Port-Louis. They apologise for any inconvenience.

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Induction Service

Published on 31 May 2024

The Presbyterial Committee informs the community that Pastor Ernest Koera will be installed at the Malagasy Parish on Sunday 16 June at St Jean, Port Louis, at 2pm. Please pray for Pastor Ernest (…)

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Visite des représentants de la Cevaa à l’Aumônerie Malgache à Maurice

Published on 27 January 2024

M. Jean Pierre Moni et M. Isaac Tovihoudji, représentants de la Cevaa, ont rendu visite à l’Aumônerie Malgache à Maurice le dimanche 21 janvier 2024 lors du culte.

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Antoko MPIhira Fifohazana Isotry fiTIAvana (AMPIFITIA)

Published on 25 November 2023

Fiadanana, Indro indray ny fotoanantsika manaraka izay iarahana amin’ny Antoko MPIhira Fifohazana Isotry fiTIAvana (AMPIFITIA) ny alahady 26 novambra 2023 izao ao St Jean Port Louis amin’ny 2 (…)

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